Steps to make an order in ATAA Cars

Step 1. Add to cart.

First of all, we have to choose the car or bike electrical

we want to buy. When we have decided, we click the“Add to Cart”

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Step 2. Cart and proceed to checkout.

The product we are going to the shopping Cart (right corner); we give you click above.

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And it appears all the information of the product below:

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We check that everything is correct:

-Car or motorcycle.


-The amount (which we have not selected more than one of the same product unless you want to buy it repeated).

-The price.

When we are sure that everything is ok, then we click “proceed to checkout”.

Step 3. Personal data.

Fill in our personal data (first name, last name and e-mail).

Optional: create an account with password to avoid this step on future purchases.

Important: click on the box “I Accept the processing of my data as indicated in the basic information of privacy”. If you don't click, he will not let us move forward.

Click “continue” to continue with the purchase.

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We ask you to fill in the address, zip code, city, country and phone. We return to give to “Continue”.

Step 4. A shipping method.

Appears to us the step: Shipping Method.

Automatically appears selected DHL.

Below, where it says “if you have any comments about your shipment, please leave your message here”, you can write important information to facilitate delivery to the dealer, if and when needed. Some examples: any reference remarkable if the access to the home is difficult, a specific time to receive the order, etc

After, click on “Continue”.

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Step 5. Payment and registration custom.

In this step we will make the payment of the product.

1. Registration custom. In this box, we write the name of the child or of the child.

2. We choose the form of payment you want: credit card payment/debit card, PayPal or on delivery with a surcharge.

3. Click where it says “I agree to the terms of service and I accept without reservation”. But what we do, he will not let us continue.

4. Review your order before making payment.

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Once you have verified that all the data are correct, we give up and we have to see the image below. We give click to “Order with obligation of payment”.

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Step 6. Data of operation (bank data)

If you have chosen to pay with a credit card, you will see this screen.

Just follow the 4 steps I indicated.

Click on “Pay” to continue.

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Confirmation of the order.

Once a payment is made by credit card, cash, or PayPal will appear that your order is confirmed and the data of the purchase.

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